2010 非静脉曲张性上消化道出血治疗国际共识

2010-01-01 上消化道出血国际共识会务组 Ann Intern Med. 2010 Jan 19;152(2):101-13.


2010 非静脉曲张性上消化道出血治疗国际共识


2010 International consensus recommendations on the management of patients with non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding




Endoscopy in patients with upper GI bleeding is effective in diagnosing and treating most causes of upper GI bleeding. Endoscopy is associated with a reduction in blood transfusion requirements and length of stay in the intensive care unit and hospital. Early endoscopy (within 24 hours of admission to the hospital) has a greater impact than later endoscopy on length of hospital stay and requirement for blood transfusion. No single method of endoscopic therapy is superior to another. Routine second-look endoscopy (performed 16 hours to 24 hours after first endoscopy) in a stable patient is not recommended. A second attempt at endoscopic therapy is generally recommended in cases of re-bleeding.

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