
出版年份:2009 年文章数:967 投稿命中率: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看

出版周期:Quarterly 自引率:4.3% 审稿周期: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看



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ZOOLOGIA, the scientific journal of the Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia (SBZ), publishes original articles on Zoology authored by both members and non-members of the Society. Manuscripts should have a scientific character. A priori, the following types of articles are not acceptable for publication: simple occurrence notes, new records (e.g. geographical, host), notes on distribution, case studies, species lists, or merely descriptive studies, unless very well qualified by the authors. Justifications should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief before submission. Short communications are acceptable, whereas review articles will be considered by direct invitation. Manuscripts will be analyzed by at least two ad hoc Reviewers, and the decision to accept or reject the manuscript will be based on the recommendations by the Associate Editor and the ad hoc Reviewers.

Responsibility. For a manuscript to be submitted to ZOOLOGIA, it is required that: 1) all authors approved the submission; 2) the results or opinions therein are original; 3) the manuscript has not been published before, is not currently under review by other journal, and will not be submitted elsewhere unless it was rejected by ZOOLOGIA or removed from the reviewing process by written notification to the Editor-in-Chief; 4) it was prepared according to the Instructions to Authors; 5) if accepted for publication and published, the article or part of it will not be published elsewhere unless there is written permission by the Editor-in-chief; 6) the reproduction and use of articles published in ZOOLOGIA is allowed for demonstrated educational and non-commercial purposes. All remaining uses require agreement and fees will be applied when appropriate; 7) the publication and page charges and review fees are agreed upon by the authors; 8) the authors are entirely responsible for the scientific and grammatical content of the article; 9) the authors agree with additional fees whenever a revision of the English grammar is deemed necessary.

Language. The manuscript should be written exclusively in English. To avoid delays in publication, we suggest that, before it is submitted, the manuscript should be reviewed by a specialist in the field who is a native speaker. After recommendation for publication, the manuscript will be reviewed and a final revision of the language might be requested.

Sections. Systematics and evolution, Taxonomy and nomenclature, Biogeography, Morphology and physiology, Biology, Ecology, Symbiosis, Conservation, Behavior, Genetics, Applied Zoology, and fisheries.

Fees. The submission of manuscripts is free of charges. However, when the manuscript is accepted for publication fees may be applied as follows explained. Members of the Brazilian Society of Zoology publishing alone or sponsoring a non-member co-author (in a 1:1 or 1:2 member/non-member ratio) are not required to pay page charges. However, whenever the proportion of members is less than that, page charges apply as indicated: up to 1:2 = no fees, 1:3 = R$ 30,00, and 1:4 and up (and if all are non-members) = R$ 60,00 per published page.