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N-acetyltransferase 2 genetic polymorphism modifies genotoxic and oxidative damage from new psychoactive substances

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (1)

The use of new psychoactive substances (NPS) as drugs of abuse is common and increasingly popular, particularly among youth and neglected communities.......

Toxicokinetics of plasmatic VX in a swine model: comparison of a simple enzymatic titration method with a mass spectrometry method

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (2)

Recent events have shown that organophosphorus nerve agents (OPNAs) are a serious threat. Cholinesterase inhibition by OPNAs results in acetylcholine ......

Targeting erythrocyte-mediated hypoxia to alleviate lung injury induced by pyrrolizidine alkaloids

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (3)

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are widely distributed natural toxins and have been extensively studied for their hepatotoxicity. However, PA-induced pu......

The possible role of particulate matter on the respiratory microbiome: evidence from in vivo to clinical studies

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (4)

Environmental pollution, which contains ambient particulate matter, has been shown to have a significant impact on human health and longevity over the......

Avicenna's clinical toxicology approach and beneficial materia medica against oral poisoning

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (4)

Considering the rich background of Persian Medicine in the use of materia medica for the treatment of diseases, the huge burden of oral poisonings in ......

Exposure to dietary fatty acids oleic and palmitic acid alters structure and mechanotransduction of intestinal cells in vitro

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (6)

Intestinal cells are continuously exposed to food constituents while adapting to peristaltic movement and fluid shear stress. Oleic acid (OA) and palm......

Differential inflammatory profile in the lungs of mice exposed to cannabis smoke with varying THC:CBD ratio

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (7)

Cannabis contains cannabinoids including Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC causes the psychoactive effects of cannabis, a......

Biodistribution and intestinal inflammatory response following voluntary oral intake of silver nanoparticles by C57BL/6J mice

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (10)

Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) are among the most widely commercialized nanomaterials globally, with applications in medicine and the food industry. Cons......

Sex-specific transgenerational effects of preconception exposure to arsenite: metabolic phenotypes of C57BL/6 offspring

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (11)

Chronic exposure to inorganic arsenic (iAs) has been linked to diabetes in both humans and mice, but the role of iAs exposure prior to conception and ......

Hypermethylation of the ADIRF promoter regulates its expression level and is involved in NNK-induced malignant transformation of lung bronchial epithelial cells

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (12)

The carcinogenic mechanism of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), a well-known tobacco carcinogen, has not been fully elucidated in ......

Mepirapim, a novel synthetic cannabinoid, induces Parkinson's disease-related behaviors by causing maladaptation of the dopamine system in the brain

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (2)

Mepirapim is a novel synthetic cannabinoid that first appeared on the illicit drug market in 2013. In recent years, recreational abuse of Mepirapim ha......

Organotin and organochlorine toxicants activate key translational regulatory proteins in human immune cells

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (2)

Environmental contaminant exposures occur due to the widespread use of synthetic chemicals. Tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT), and pentachlorophenol......

Gasdermin D membrane pores orchestrate IL-1α secretion from necrotic macrophages after NFS-rich silica exposure

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (4)

IL-1 alpha is an intracellular danger signal (DAMP) released by macrophages contributing to the development of silica-induced lung inflammation. The e......

High-throughput micronucleus assay using three-dimensional HepaRG spheroids for in vitro genotoxicity testing

期刊: ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY, 2023; 97 (4)

The in vitro micronucleus (MN) assay is a component of most test batteries used in assessing potential genotoxicity. Our previous study adapted metabo......

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