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MAV quaternion attitude determination for accelerometer-magnetometer combination: Internal analysis

期刊: TM-TECHNISCHES MESSEN, 2020; 87 (10)

This paper proposes a novel fast deterministic quaternion attitude determination method for accelerometer and magnetometer combination (AMC). After ta......

Inversion of particle size distribution using the artificial fish swarm algorithm

期刊: TM-TECHNISCHES MESSEN, 2019; 86 (1)

In the small-angle forward scattering technique, an inversion method of particle size distribution (PSD) using artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA) ......


Numerical analysis and experimental verification of broadband tristable energy harvesters

期刊: TM-TECHNISCHES MESSEN, 2018; 85 (9)

This paper analyzes the dynamic characteristics of broadband tristable energy harvesters to reveal their response mechanism via a bifurcation diagram,......


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