Direct pairwise meta-analysis
Direct pairwise meta-analysis showed that the rates of secondary surgical procedures were significantly lower in Mobi-C (P < 0.01), Prestige (P < 0.01), Prodisc-C (P < 0.05), Secure-C (P < 0.05) group than in ACDF group. No significant difference was detected between Bryan, PCM, Kineflex-C, Discover, and ACDF (P > 0.05) (Supplementary Digital Content, Figures 1–8). Estimated effects of CDAs in the network meta-analysis on the primary outcome are shown in the forest plot and league table (Fig. ​(Fig.44 and Fig. ​Fig.5).5). Convergence was reached in all analyses (data not shown). Compared with ACDF, CDAs with Mobi-C, Prodisc-C, Secure-C, and Prestige were associated with significantly lower rates of secondary surgical procedures. Discover was significantly inferior to ACDF with regard to the primary outcome. No significant difference was shown between Bryan, PCM, Kineflex-C, and ACDF. On comparative durability of network meta-analysis, all devices except Kineflex-C were superior to Discover. Mobi-C, Prodisc-C, Secure-C, and Prestige were seen to be better than PCM and Kineflex-C. There was no significant difference among Mobi-C, Prodisc-C, Secure-C, Prestige, and Bryan. 点击翻译
Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Feb96(6):e5947.