ABA2 overexpression lines delay seed germination.


 The name of referred object is pp1430745f02.jpg
Figure 2.

ABA2 overexpression lines delay seed germination. A, Germination of wild type and overexpression lines without cold treatment. Seeds were grown on 1% Suc agar plates for the times shown. Radicle emergence over 1 mm is referred to as germination. B, Germination of wild type and overexpression lines with cold pretreatment for 3 d at 4°C. The seed growth condition was the same as in A. C, Germination of wild type, aba2, and overexpression lines on 2% Glc agar plates. D, Germination of wild type, aba2, and overexpression lines on 6% Glc agar plates. E, Phenotypes of wild type, aba2, and overexpression lines grown on 6% Glc agar plates with or without 1 μm fluridone for 14 d. Germination rates from A to D were counted as germinated seeds/total germinated seeds at day 10. The results shown were the means ± sd of three independent experiments using different seed batches, with consistent results, each with 200 to 250 seeds. The seeds in B, C, D, and E were subjected to cold pretreatment at 4°C for 3 d before planting; in A, without cold treatment. WT, Wild type. [See online article for color version of this figure.]

Plant Physiol. 2007 February; 143(2): 745–758.
Plant Physiol. 2007 February; 143(2): 745–758
Plant Science