Reply to the 'Comment on "Trimorphs of 4-bromophenyl 4-bromobenzoate. Elastic, brittle, plastic"' by J. J. Whittaker, A. J. Brock, A. Grosjean, M. C. Pfrunder, J. C. McMurtrie and J. K. Clegg, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, DOI: 10.1039/D0CC07668F

Saha, S; Desiraju, GR

Desiraju, GR (corresponding author), Indian Inst Sci, Solid State & Struct Chem Unit, Bangalore 560012, Karnataka, India.

CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2021; 57 (40): 4976


Crystals that differ in their molecular constitution may yet share the same mechanical property, such as plastic deformation, because they are equival......

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