Molecular landscapes of longitudinal NF2/22q and non-NF2/22q meningiomas show different life histories

Ng, HK; Li, KKW; Chung, NYF; Chan, JYT; Poon, MFM; Wong, QHW; Kwan, JSH; Poon, WS; Chen, H; Chan, DTM; Shi, ZF; Mao, Y

Ng, HK; Shi, ZF; Mao, Y (通讯作者),Hong Kong & Shanghai Brain Consortium HSBC, Hong Kong, Peoples R China.

BRAIN PATHOLOGY, 2023; 33 (3):


Recurrence is a major complication of some meningiomas. Although there were many studies on biomarkers associated with higher grades or increased aggr......

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