Electric signals counterbalanced posterior vs anterior PTEN signaling in directed migration of Dictyostelium (vol 11, 111, 2021)

Song, B; Gu, Y; Jiang, WK; Li, Y; Ayre, WN; Liu, ZP; Yin, T; Janetopoulos, C; Iijima, M; Devreotes, P; Zhao, M

Song, B (corresponding author), Cardiff Univ, Coll Biomed & Life Sci, Sch Dent, Cardiff CF14 4XY, Wales.; Zhao, M (corresponding author), Univ Calif Davis, Sch Med, Dept Ophthalmol & Vis Sci, Davis, CA 95618 USA.

CELL AND BIOSCIENCE, 2021; 11 (1):