The gold(III)-CO bond: a missing piece in the gold carbonyl complex landscape

Gaggioli, CA; Belpassi, L; Tarantelli, F; Belanzoni, P

Belanzoni, P (reprint author), Univ Perugia, Dipartimento Chim Biol & Biotecnol, Via Elce Sotto 8, I-06123 Perugia, Italy.; Belpassi, L; Belanzoni, P (reprint author), Univ Perugia, CNR, ISTM, Dipartimento Chim Biol & Biotecnol, Via Elce Sotto 8, I-06123

CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2017; 53 (10): 1603


We investigate the Au(III)-CO bond in the [(C boolean AND N boolean AND C) Au(III) CO](+) complex via charge-displacement (CD) analysis, revealing sur......

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