A single-dose live attenuated chimeric vaccine candidate against Zika virus

Chin, WX; Lee, RCH; Kaur, P; Lew, TS; Yogarajah, T; Kong, HY; Teo, ZY; Salim, CK; Zhang, RR; Li, XF; Alonso, S; Qin, CF; Chu, JJH

Chu, JJH (corresponding author), Natl Univ Singapore, Lab Mol RNA Virol & Antiviral Strategies, Dept Microbiol & Immunol,Natl Univ Hlth Syst, Infect Dis Translat Res Programme,Yong Loo Lin Sc, MD4 Level 5,5 Sci Dr 2, Singapore 117597, Singapore.; Chu, JJH (corresponding author), Natl Univ Singapore, Yong Loo Lin Sch Med, NUSMed Biosafety Level Core Facil 3, 14 Med Dr, Singapore 117599, Singapore.; Chu, JJH (corresponding author), ASTAR, Inst Mol & Cell Biol, 61 Biopolis Dr,Proteos 06-05, Singapo

NPJ VACCINES, 2021; 6 (1):


The mosquito-borne Zika virus is an emerging pathogen from the Flavivirus genus for which there are no approved antivirals or vaccines. Using the clin......

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