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期刊推荐:npj Parkinsons <font color="red">Disease</font>

期刊推荐:npj Parkinsons Disease


网络 - 2022-02-15

期刊推荐《Therapeutic Advances in Chronic <font color="red">Disease</font>》

期刊推荐《Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease

期刊推荐《Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease

网络 - 2023-11-14

Fahr病(Fahr’s <font color="red">disease</font>,FD)

Fahr病(Fahr’s disease,FD)

Fahr病(Fahr’s disease,FD),也称为家族性特发性基底神经节钙化或双侧苍白球齿状突钙化症,是一种罕见的以丘脑、基底神经节、大脑皮质和小脑齿状核内异常血管钙沉积为特征的疾病。

神经科学论坛 - Fahr病,家族性特发性基底神经节钙化,双侧苍白球齿状突钙化症 - 2023-11-19

期刊推荐《Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory <font color="red">Disease</font>》

期刊推荐《Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease

期刊推荐《Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease

网络 - 2023-11-10

Cell Death & <font color="red">Disease</font>:逆转皮肤衰老的关键在线粒体

Cell Death & Disease:逆转皮肤衰老的关键在线粒体


生物探索 - 衰老,线粒体 - 2018-07-31

Cell Death & <font color="red">Disease</font>:能帮助抑制慢性肾脏疾病的酶

Cell Death & Disease:能帮助抑制慢性肾脏疾病的酶


MedSci原创 - 慢性肾脏病 - 2021-07-18

Cell Death & <font color="red">Disease</font>:肿瘤驯化的B细胞能够促进肾癌的转移

Cell Death & Disease:肿瘤驯化的B细胞能够促进肾癌的转移


MedSci原创 - 肾癌 B细胞 肿瘤微环境 - 2020-03-19

npj Parkinson's <font color="red">Disease</font>:早期便秘预示帕金森氏病痴呆发作更快

npj Parkinson's Disease:早期便秘预示帕金森氏病痴呆发作更快


网络 - 痴呆,便秘,帕金森氏病(PD) - 2021-05-30

Cell Death & <font color="red">Disease</font>:WFDC2能够抑制前列腺癌的转移

Cell Death & Disease:WFDC2能够抑制前列腺癌的转移


MedSci原创 - 前列腺癌,分泌蛋白,分子机制 - 2020-07-26

Measurement of disease activity in ulcerative colitis: Interobserver agreement a

"Measurement of disease activity in ulcerative colitis: Interobserver agreement and predictors of severity

ulcerative,colitis,Interobserver,predictor - 2011-06-21

Increasing burden of liver disease in patients with HIV infection

"Increasing burden of liver disease in patients with HIV infection." Lancet 377(9772): 1198-1209.

liver,disease,HIV - 2011-06-21

Cell Death & Disease:光遗传学技术破解癌症增殖机制

近日,Nature Publishing Group (NPG)下的国际学术期刊 Cell Death & Disease (2012 影响因子6.044) 发表了中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院医工所神经工程研究中心王立平及杨帆

中科院 - 癌症增殖机制 - 2013-11-18
