Food Security Among Syrian Refugee Families in Quebec, Canada

Chevrier, J; Lane, G; Khakpour, M; Vatanparast, H; Batal, M

Vatanparast, H (通讯作者),Univ Saskatchewan, Coll Pharm & Nutr, Saskatoon, SK S7N 2Z4, Canada.;Batal, M (通讯作者),Univ Montreal, Ctr Rech Sante Publ, Fac Med, Nutr Dept, Montreal, PQ, Canada.;Batal, M (通讯作者),CIUSS Ctr Sud Ile de Montreal CReSP, Montreal, PQ, Canada.

ECOLOGY OF FOOD AND NUTRITION, 2023; 62 (3-4): 181


This study aims to understand how socioeconomic, geographic and cultural factors affect the food security status of Syrian refugee households in Quebe......

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